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It's all about the lyrics!
From i-deas to i-tunes - part 2
Does your song need help with the lyrics ?
All the most successful songwriting partnerships share the load between music and lyrics; Leiber and Stoller, John and Taupin, Bacharach and David, Morrissey and Marr, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Lloyd-Webber and Rice, the list goes on. As with music, writing lyrics for any given genre also poses a few questions that should be considered...
Have you started with a title in mind, and if not, why would this be important?
Are you writing the lyric from your own experience or are you commenting from an observed perspective?
Does the narrative within the lyric observe the basic flow of a standard story/novel ?
Are the structural and/or rhyming patterns consistent across the verses to allow the listener easy access?
Is the language, grammar, tone of voice or even subject matter appropriate or relevant to the audience?
Have you created enough intrigue and questions in your verse to create a satisfactory 'pay-off' in the chorus?
If your song needs help with the lyrics, give us a call.
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